Here’s everything you get in the

Traffic & Audience Shortcut Bundle

From 0 to 100,000 TikTok followers in 2.5 months
Go From 0 To 78,000 Instagram Followers In Under 12 Months—For Free
Top 10 Secrets for Getting 1,829,768 YouTube Subscribers with Rock Ullah
Get 10,000+ Facebook Likes & Followers
Grow 10,000+ Engaged Blog Readers Per Month
Create & Launch a #1 Ranked Podcast (Without Being Famous)
Leverage Your Content & Expand Your Reach with James Wedmore
Trigger a Surge of Organic Traffic with Kimberly Jimenez
The Challenge Launch Blueprint with Christie Miller
How to Scale (No Matter Your Size) with Mike Dillard
Winning Mindset & Reach Your Potential with Jesse Elder
Full 1-Year Access to ALL premium trainings inside CreatorU, including NEW content every single month

Hi, my name is Brian Moran.

I’m the creator of SamCart, a simple but powerful software that makes it easy for anyone to sell anything online.
And without worrying about technology.
Our users have generated over two billion dollars in sales—and changed their lives.

But one thing has always bothered me…

Why are so many creators struggling to get traffic, build an audience & sell their stuff?

Some are successful right away. Their products fly off their website and they scale their business easily. But others are stuck for weeks, months, even years, struggling with:
Chasing after traffic everywhere but not getting attention or building an audience.
Finding a market, clients or customers who will actually buy.
Trying every “hack” and tactic they read about but getting little or no results.
No idea which traffic source is best for their particular business.
Overthinking what to do and how to do it.
Turning views and clicks into loyal following.
Overwhelmed by a massive learning curve—and each step takes too long to implement.
Creating content, graphics and videos, posting them everywhere, getting thousands of views—but no conversions or sales.
Dealing with the crazy, constantly changing social media algorithms.
Trying paid ads but mostly just burning through money and it’s not sustainable.
Can’t build an organic audience and keep them engaged.
No matter what you try, you can’t get a consistent, reliable stream of traffic. Why? Because what you’re told about traffic and attracting an audience is flawed, outdated or irrelevant.

That’s why almost all traffic strategies do not work for you!

Instead, you need tested and proven traffic & audience strategies that work for creators like you

man pondering

As an online creator—whether you’re an entrepreneur, side hustler, coach, consultant, course creator, agency or something else…

What works for YOU is different from what worked for a “growth hacking” team in Silicon Valley a few years ago.

You don’t have time chasing people, likes, comments and traffic for hours every day. Or throwing up tons of podcasts and writing SEO optimized articles.

And you don’t need to.

What works BEST for creators is not the generic advice you can get anywhere.

There’s a better way. Without the headaches, roadblocks or getting stuck on the traffic hamster wheel.

There’s a better way. Without the headaches, roadblocks or getting stuck on the traffic hamster wheel.

Let me introduce you to…

Traffic & Audience Shortcuts

You don’t need to do a hundred things to get traffic.

You only need a handful of proven strategies that work consistently and repeatedly.

We’ve spent the past few months in-the-trenches with all kinds of online creators, selling all sorts of things, and at various stages in their journey.

The result of all this are several, easy-to-follow Traffic & Audience Shortcuts.

These shortcuts give you a crystal clear roadmap for attracting, growing, scaling, and monetizing your audience.

Everything is fact-checked, verified and peer-reviewed for you.

Everything is designed to get you started quickly—and finished in an hour or so.

Let me show you how it works
Follow the simple steps shared by top creators and experts—distilled into easy instructions you can complete in an hour or less.

From 0 to 100,000 TikTok followers in 2.5 months with Keith Krance

Value: $197.00

Discover insider secrets from Keith Krance that helped him get 100,000 followers in2.5 months. Right now, TikTok is a golden opportunity for new creators, and this course will help you find opportunities and create great TikToks, with a content creation schedule that works even for busy entrepreneurs.

Learn how to tap into TikTok's "anti-algorithm" growth method to explode your follower count.

Discover how to find paying customers, not just weird dances or funny faces.

How to leverage tactics like the “HASHTAG” Formula, the best video types to use, best time to post, mistakes to avoid, and more secrets from 1.2 Billion video views.

Compete with huge influencers using a content creation schedule that works even for busiest entrepreneurs.

And much more!

Go From 0 To 105,303 Instagram Followers In Under 12 Months—For Free!

Value: $197.00

You’ll get the exact, step-by-step method for how we grew from 0 to 105,303 Instagram followers in under 12 months. Without spending money on ads, sponsored posts or influencers. This new Instagram mini-course is your blueprint for how to grow your follower count. And turn those followers into sales.

How to optimize your bio. Three questions you must ask yourself—and answer. Don’t miss out on followers who see your profile but don’t see a reason to follow you. Nail this and you’ll become irresistible.

What to post to get more followers. Don’t post whatever comes to mind or follow some outdated #hashtag strategy. Discover how to educate, entertain and engage in a way that boosts your follower count.

Amplify your reach. Know when to comment back. Make sure Instagram rewards you with fresh followers every week (yes, if you do this correctly, Instagram will make sure you get a wider reach!)

Top 10 Secrets for Getting 1,829,768 YouTube Subscribers with Rock Ullah

Value: $197.00

Discover and deploy the top 10 secrets for getting a ton of YouTube subscribers. Within minutes, you’ll be able to use:

The "Piggybacking Technique" will put your channel in-front of your competitors' videos for free.

The "10 Minute Rule" almost forces YouTube to start ranking your videos higher than your competitors.

The "Family Feud Method" provides an ENDLESS stream of amazing video ideas that is practically guaranteed to rank at the top of YouTube

Trigger a Surge of Organic Traffic with Kimberly Jimenez

Value: $197.00

No list, no ads, no audience? No problem! Get 3 powerful strategies that generate cold and organic traffic—without a list, audience or paid ads. This is how you’ll burst right out of the gates and accelerate your audience growth.

How to use “OPA” to get in front of people who are most likely to become your audience. Follow these steps and you’ll get traffic within hours or days.

The best way to build “audience relationships” with key players and micro-influencers in any industry. This will open up whole buckets of traffic that will come pouring in.

Quick short-term strategies you can use right awayand the long-term strategies that’ll keep your flow of traffic going for years to come.

Get 10,000+ Facebook Likes & Followers (Who Also Share Your Stuff)

Facebook is still the juggernaut of traffic and audience building. This will help you stand out from the feed noise, get noticed, leverage the algorithm to expand your reach—and build an engaged audience.

The “M.I.P.” you MUST use. This is the “Most Important Post” you can have on your Page or Profile. Without it, you’ll struggle to have people care and vibe.

The “Strategic Boost” that gets fast traction for your post (if your post doesn’t get enough engagement in the first hour, it’ll be dead in the water).

How to use the comment section to build and sustain momentum. Without comments, Facebook assumes no one cares—and downranks your posts. Here’s how to use the comments strategically, without being spammy or gimmicky.

Grow 10,000+ Engaged Blog Readers Per Month

Value: $197.00

Publish once. Get traffic for years. Articles are perfect for attracting and keeping an audience without chasing after people or competing with all the noise. Even better, don’t worry about SEO or keywords. Just follow the Shortcut and you’re done.

The ONE Pillar Article that attracts an audience who emotionally invest in you and what you do. You don’t want an article people skim and forget about. You want this.

The 4 Evergreen Article Types you publish once and trigger a groundswell of readers that grow every month.

3 Best Distribution Tactics. How to share your articles for maximum attention, consumption, and infinite traffic. Don’t waste your time just posting links. Use these tactics the way we show you.

Create & Launch a #1 Ranked Podcast (Without Being Famous)

The easy, low-tech way to create, launch and publish a podcast that ranks high right away—and gathers an audience on its own.

Interview? Solo? Story? How to select the right format and length. You don’t need to do hour-long interviews. Instead, there’s one format that’s crushing it and is easy to create.

The best way to launch and gain traction. How many episodes to start with, what tools to use, and the "Promo Page" you must have to get listeners quickly.

No fancy or expensive equipment required! In fact, recording on your phone gives you an advantage over produced and polished podcasts if you record the kind of episodes we tell you.

There’s no way you can fail with the help of these experts and training.

All of this solves the #1 problem creators have:

Get traffic & build an audience who love what you do & buy your stuff

This is working right now, for hundreds of other creators like you—and for people like…
Lauren Schoepfer
Actor, Course Creator
"...incredibly easy to use right out of the box."
"And my favorite part were the actionable tasks..."
"The SamCart Course Creation Challenge™ was the best investment I made."
"I just feel like this is going to change my life. Thank you so much."
If it works for them, it can work for you.
You’re also getting 1 year of full access to the brand new CreatorU+ platform
Level up your creator business with unlimited access to our entire library of training for creators.

Creator University (aka “CreatorU”) is an exclusive membership containing every single training we’ve ever made—and every training to come.

Discover the strategies and tools used by SamCart’s top selling brands, experts, and creators that will help you increase sales, maximize conversions and more.

You’ll have full access to a binge-worthy library of content designed to make sure you’re successful. Access all of our videos, templates, scripts, resources, conversion techniques, and more. You have several on-demand masterclasses at your fingertips.

For example, you’ll discover how to…
James Wedmore

Leverage Your Content & Expand Your Reach with James Wedmore

Value: $197.00

Multiply your efforts by strategically repurposing the content you create. Create content once, distribute everywhere—get traffic from anywhere.

The Challenge Launch Blueprint with Christie Miller

Value: $197.00

Join Christie Miller as she guides you through her top strategies to launch a successful challenge in any niche. Capture the attention of a huge market and convert all that attention into a loyal following.

Christie Miller
Mike Dillard

How to Scale (No Matter Your Size) with Mike Dillard

Value: $297.00

Discover what Mike is doing to generate tens of millions of dollars in sales over the last decade and how to apply them for yourself (no matter what stage you’re currently at right now).

Winning Mindset & Reach Your Potential with Jesse Elder

Value: $197.00

Double (or triple) your results and income by harnessing the secrets used by the most successful businessmen (and women!) on earth. Unlock your true potential in life and business.

Jesse Elder
Amy Porterfield

Quick Sales from "Mini-Offers" with Amy Porterfield

Value: $197.00

Use this top strategy for launching “mini offers” that you can spin up in a matter of days and start making sales just hours later. Don’t overcomplicate it, get started with a simple offer.

There’s already multiple mini-courses available on how to create products, Facebook ads, growing your profits, using Message apps to sell, creating VSLs, multiplying your sales with upsells, the popular 1-Page Masterclass and Launch, our secret Blackbox of top conversion hacks, scaling, and so much more.

Plus, we’ll publish brand-new content directly inside of CreatorU. This will be everything from courses, to expert contributions, to refreshing some of our most popular trainings.

Here’s everything you get in the

Traffic & Audience Shortcut Bundle

From 0 to 100,000 TikTok followers in 2.5 months
Go From 0 To 78,000 Instagram Followers In Under 12 Months—For Free
Top 10 Secrets for Getting 1,829,768 YouTube Subscribers with Rock Ullah
Get 10,000+ Facebook Likes & Followers
Grow 10,000+ Engaged Blog Readers Per Month
Create & Launch a #1 Ranked Podcast (Without Being Famous)
Trigger a Surge of Organic Traffic with Kimberly Jimenez
Leverage Your Content & Expand Your Reach with James Wedmore
The Challenge Launch Blueprint with Christie Miller
How to Scale (No Matter Your Size) with Mike Dillard
Winning Mindset & Reach Your Potential with Jesse Elder
Full 1-Year Access to ALL premium trainings inside CreatorU, including NEW content every single month

Total Value: $2,064
Get Everything for Only $10

I Want More Traffic!
There are no hidden fees or monthly payments. You’ll receive full access immediately.
Try it for a whole year & get all the traffic you need.

You’re getting FULL access to everything in CreatorU.

That means you’re given every possible opportunity to succeed. Here at SamCart, we have a vested interest in seeing you win. Because if you do, we win, too.

If you’re like the thousands of creators and online businesses who’ve leveraged these traffic strategies to get traffic…

I’m positive you’ll be thrilled as you finally crack open a reliable stream of traffic to your products or services.

But if for any reason, after 30 days, you decide this isn't for you… simply reach out and we'll refund your full purchase.

No questions. No hassles. The risk is 100% on my shoulders.

And that’s because I have absolute confidence this can change your business and life forever.

So go ahead and grab your copy of this bundle right away.

But you must act fast…

Yes, I Want the Bundle + Bonuses Now*
There are no hidden fees or monthly payments. You’ll receive full access immediately.
Frequently Asked Questions, Like: “How quickly can I see results with the Traffic & Audience Shortcut Bundle?”
How long before I start seeing results?
How long will it take me to complete a Shortcut?
I'm not very good at marketing. Is this too advanced?
But will this work for MY business and industry?
Will I have to wait before I can access any of the courses?
Are the courses inside CreatorU the real deal?
How does the CreatorU membership work?
How does the money-back guarantee work?

Here’s everything you get in the

Traffic & Audience Shortcut Bundle

From 0 to 100,000 TikTok followers in 2.5 months
Go From 0 To 78,000 Instagram Followers In Under 12 Months—For Free
Top 10 Secrets for Getting 1,829,768 YouTube Subscribers with Rock Ullah
Get 10,000+ Facebook Likes & Followers
Grow 10,000+ Engaged Blog Readers Per Month
Create & Launch a #1 Ranked Podcast (Without Being Famous)
Trigger a Surge of Organic Traffic with Kimberly Jimenez
Leverage Your Content & Expand Your Reach with James Wedmore
The Challenge Launch Blueprint with Christie Miller
How to Scale (No Matter Your Size) with Mike Dillard
Winning Mindset & Reach Your Potential with Jesse Elder
Full 1-Year Access to ALL premium trainings inside CreatorU, including any NEW content that's published

Total Value: $2,064
Get Everything for Only $10

I Want More Traffic!
There are no hidden fees or monthly payments. You’ll receive full access immediately.